Type of course? Downland. Very handsome, rugged and a bit intimidating at first, but kind and caring when you get to know it. The Indiana Jones of golf courses.
Pleasant staff? Yes.
Best hole? The 6th par 3 (see below). From the tee all you can see is a chasm, a fence, trees, slopes and a tiny green.
Après golf? Avant golf was sandwiches and a nice chat with last year’s Lady Captain’s husband.
Nice round? Miserable because I still have the shanks. Also it was so hot that I had several near-death experiences and I think I hallucinated one of my friends putting a wet towel on my head.
Special memory? Parring the 6th! I parred the 6th! And it wasn’t even a fluke!
Must play again? Yes of course, it’s one of my favourite courses ever and their Ladies’ Open is the best. They have some amazing bakers in the Crowborough Beacon’s Ladies section.