On 6 January 2017, I embarked on a quest to get my handicap from 17 to 12 in a year. Today, two years, four months and sixteen days later, I achieved it. What is the secret to my not-so-lightning...
Finally, a handicap cut and I now play off 15!
Finally, after a scrappy round full of magic and horrors, I get a handicap cut! I play off a glorious 15! Still far from my goal, but still!
My golf is inconsistent and that’s ok(ish)
When I decided to get down to a 12 handicap, I was hoping to play off 14 in the summer. I'm so inconsistent that I'm still stuck at 16, and that's ok(ish).
Letting the golf brain take over
Now that I seem to be over my really really ugly golf period, I must resist the temptation to go back to overanalysing the game and trust my golf brain.
Time to stop thinking and embrace automatic golf
Golf crisis update: I still can't play, but I've made progress in understanding how to change my mindset. Enter automatic golf.
The importance of playing golf with the right mindset
My golf is broken so I'm taking a break. According to Anthony, books and every golfers' forum I've been on, I have a mindset problem.
How to get out of bunkers like a pro
Bunkers are my nemesis, but Anthony's top tips on positioning and using the bounce of the club have been helpful.
So I bought a new set of Lynx irons
I lose my 9 iron and I find a bee, which I take as a sign that I need a whole new set of animal-themed irons. I'm very good at interpreting signs.
Statistics and SkyPro to improve my putting
How's that for a great idea? Using statistics to analyse my putting and completely overhaul my technique just before a match. Cheers Anthony.
My swing improves and I get my first handicap cut!
After 12 weeks of working on my swing, I play in my first competition and I get my first handicap cut. I now play off 16 and Anthony is £50 richer. Yay!