This blog post explains how this page came about, but in substance, this is it: during my Captain’s year, I’ve decided to go on a little tour of the courses of Sussex (and beyond, work permitting) and play with a member wherever I go. I’m hoping they’ll tell me stories about their course and what they love about it. This way, I’ll see them in a completely different light from a regular visitor. So don’t expect critical reviews that will assess course condition, length and other technical aspects. My course reviews will be closer to love letters from the people who know them best. When I can’t play with a member, or when I play a match, I’ll answer a few basic questions. That’s what I did for the courses I played in Portugal a few weeks ago.

To see the review of each golf course, click on the flag, then on the link following “HLAP review” under “description”.

The three best three ball formats

One of the great joys of golf is the endless variety of games and formats it allows. Indeed, what’s a game of golf without some healthy competition and endless arguments over who gets to buy...

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What kind of golfer are you?

Yesterday Lexi Thompson was denied victory in a Major following a four stroke penalty for making an incorrect ball placement on the green. The video clearly shows that she did place it in the wrong...

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